Best Golf Fitness Exercises for Women

rain or shine golf





It is no secret that in order to reach your ultimate golf level, golf fitness exercises play a huge part in your reaching that level. Even the professional men on the PGA tour and the professional woman on the LPGA tour understand the importance of golf fitness exercises to keep their respective games at their ultimate level.

There are so many questions floating around on the topic of golf fitness exercises and a few are:

1) What are the best golf fitness exercises to improve your golf playing level

2) Are stretching and flexibility exercises better than other golf fitness golf stretchexercises

3) What are the benefits of golf fitness exercises for the woman golfer?

As we move on here I am going to focus on question number three, that being the topic of the best golf exercises for woman.


Women Pro’s vs Women Amateur Golfers

Is there really that much difference in golf fitness training between the LPGA woman’s pro player and your everyday woman’s amateur player? The answer is no, not really.

Granted the woman’s pro player has a lot more at her disposal as far as personal trainers and portable gyms available to them when they are on tour but that does not mean the woman amateur player cannot take their golf game to a level they are comfortable with through proper golf fitness training.

The professional woman golfers are the best in the world at their sport but that’s the only difference between them and any amateur golfer.

The pro woman golfers have the same skeletal make up as an amateur golfer, they have the same muscular make up as an amateur golfer, they even have the same neurological make up as an amateur golfer.

The one thing the pro woman golfer has the upper hand with is their swing mechanics. They have been training their swing all their lives whereas the amateur golfer has not. So in that sense the amateur has a lot of catching up to do.

A Golf Fitness Program is Sport Specific

What does sport specific actually mean? Sport specific means coming up with a training program primarily geared around the sport of golf and golf alone. There are many positions, body movements and actions. Some that are not really a natural action for the human body to make.

Because of this certain golf fitness exercises need to be learn in order to train the woman golfer to perform these movements without fear of muscular damage or injury.


The first and probably most important fitness training would be improving the woman golfers flexibility. In improving your flexibility your will develop a larger shoulder turn which in turn will give greater club speed which will create longer drives.

Execute the Golf Swing Correctly

The body does most of the major work in creating a good and consistent golf swing. So in order to execute the golf swing correctly you must maintain certain levels of:

  • Flexibility
  • Strength
  • Balance
  • Endurance
  • Power


All of these things should be taken into account for the woman golfer to put together a golf fitness program that will take their golf swing to a nice consistent level.

The actual golf swing is really quite simple if your really think about it. Mainly it is the body’s backward and forward motion in order to accomplish a goal, which is to hit a golf ball with a club.



In order for any of this to happen the core needs to coil and uncoil in a continuous motion to execute the golf swing correctly. This is where flexibility comes most into play.

You need to develop rotational exercises in order to strengthen your core. These can be as easy as sitting in a chair and rotating your body back and forth, stand up and rotate your shoulders and torso back and forth, practice doing planks to engage and strengthen your abdominal plank exercise for your back


Doing some of these same exercises will also improve your overall balance in your golf swing.

When your take a golf swing not only does your core have to be flexible but you also need to be balanced, there should be little movement anywhere but for your shoulders and torso rotating back and forth.


Another key element in your executing the golf swing correctly is your endurance. Have your ever gone to the driving range and got a large bucket of balls and by the time your are half-way through your golf shots seem to start to scatter all over the place.

This is a sure sign that your muscles and stamina are getting fatigued. You can correct this by just walking, power walking or use a treadmill to grow your stamina and endurance.


As with men golfers the same principle hold’s true for woman golfers. The more club head speed your can generate the longer your drives will travel.

So even woman golfers need to incorporate a power regime in their golf fitness workouts. When doing your strength exercises your must be careful not to use too much heavy weights, heavy weights will create muscle mass and that will lessen your flexibility.

What you want to do is use less weight, say five or ten pounds at the most. Use less weight and more repetitions until your muscles fatigue, rest and repeat.

In Summary

So whether it is the LPGA woman pro or the amateur woman golfer the golf fitness program is the same. The exercises in the woman’s golf exercise program are designed to improve the movements and positions that are required to improve tour golf swing.

Just always remember the golf swing requires a certain level of flexibility, balance,strength,endurance and power to perform it correctly.

I certainly hope your have found this article helpful and informative. If your have would you please leave a comment below so I can continue to bring useful golf knowledge and information to your, and as always any questions you may have please feel free to ask below as well.

Good Golf To You
