Best Golf Fitness Exercises

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If you are just starting out playing golf and have not had the most active
lifestyle that maybe you could have had it will be very difficult to just run right out and play 18 holes of golf.

If you are in pretty good shape physically as far as strength and flexibility you will certainly have a bigger advantage in your overall play than someone who is not in such good a shape.  golf wrist exerciser


Improve Flexibility and Strength

One of the best golf fitness exercise to start with should be your flexibility. Being flexible will greatly improve your back swing and therefore your entire golf swing for that matter.

Along with your flexibility you will also need to improve your overall strength. Now by building strength I do not mean running out to your local gym and start pumping iron.

All this will do is build you big bulky muscles that will not help with your flexibility.What you want to do with this fitness exercise is build lean muscle mass.

Bulky muscles might make you a bit stronger but it will greatly reduce the amount of core turn in your swing. Building lean muscle strength is not impossible but is a little harder and will take a little more effort.

The key exercise tip here is to lift lighter weights with more repetitions which will let you muscle but still keep the flexibility you will need for a proper golf swing. Resist the urge to use no more than 10 lb weights.


Golf Exercise Tip – Stretching

Another essential golf fitness exercise tip to keep your body as flexible as possible is stretching. I recommend that you stretch before your round of golf and immediately after your round of golf.

This will ensure you are keeping your body in the best possible shape.Also, golf stretchyou may find that your body is very sore when done playing your round of golf which in turn take a lot of fun out of what should be an enjoyable game.

Myself, I will show up for my round of golf well ahead of my scheduled tee time so I can stretch for a few minutes then hit some golf balls, do some putting and then stretch a little more before I take my first shot.

Golf Fitness – hydration

Normally when you play this wonderful game of golf you are playing it nice weather.When you are out on the golf course sometimes there are few trees and wide open spaces where it can get extremely hot, therefore it is imperative that you drink plenty of water.

If you find yourself getting overheated and dehydrated it could cause help problems as well as hindering your ability to even finish your round of golf.

So please
be sure that you keep yourself as hydrated as possible, not only when playing golf but anytime you are doing strenuous activity or exercising.

Golf Fitness Exercise – walking


You may think that golf is a slow moving methodical sport but believe you me there is an extremely large amount of walking involved in a typical 18 hole round of golf.

Even if you rent a golf cart there is still a huge amount of walking involved.You are constantly walking up and down hills and over some rough terrain.So obviously in is imperative that you keep your legs in great shape, otherwise you may find yourself not even able to finish your round of golf.

You could even go out and get yourself a treadmill to help get your legs in shape. So following all these golf fitness exercises could take your golf game to a whole new level.

Good Golf To You



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GolfGym,Golf Fitness,Golf Fitness Products