Enjoy the Game of Golf Today – and Forever


As far as most sports go, golf is probably right up there at the top of the list as far as the cost to get started as compared to many other sports, but that certainly does not have to be the case.

There is no reason you cannot enjoy the game of golf today without going broke to get started or even upgrade your current equipment.

As a matter of fact if you are an average golfer or are just getting started playing the game of golf, going out and buying expensive golf clubs could actually be detrimental to your average game.

Your Golf Clubs

When you are just getting started playing golf or have been playing for a little while your first and probably most natural instinct would be to run out and get the most expensive golf clubs you can get thinking that it would increase the level dramatically and quickly, but it could actually a reverse effect on your golf game.
men's senior golf clubs

You see, good expensive golf clubs are not as forgiving as a less expensive set of golf clubs. These expensive clubs are geared more to the more skilled golfer who can hit the golf ball on the sweet spot more frequently than the beginner or average golfer can.

Buying less expensive golf cubs will help you to develop a more consistent golf swing due the fact that they have a larger sweet spot so you will be able to enjoy the game of golf much quicker.

Another route you could take is to look for a good set of used golf cubs. A lot of skilled players are always updating and improving their equipment so you should be able to find someone in this position quite easily. If you do decide to go this route a couple of things to look out for that you might not be aware of is,


  1. Make sure the grips are not worn out, this would add expense out of your pocket
  2. Make sure the grooves in the irons and wedges are not worn down to much
  3. Make sure every club is not bent or damaged in any way.
  4. And a lot of skilled golfers will never give up their favorite putter, so if not include this could add additional expense

Hope this has answered any questions you might have had about purchasing golf clubs

Golf and the Internet

I would suggest especially if you are a complete newbie to the game of golf perhaps you take a short lesson or at least go to the driving range with a buddy who has played the game and has some knowledge of the game in order for you to at least get a solid foundation, a decent swing technique and hitting the ball somewhat consistently.

After that you can go on the internet and find out just about anything you want about enjoying the game of golf. You can learn all the golf terminology used in the golf world and on the golf course so you don’t feel like a fool when you are out on the golf course yourself.

You can find all kinds of videos and e books so you can pick up pointers so you can try to improve your own golf game even more.

The internet is also a place where you can find different golf courses in your area, the rates they charge to play their golf course, directions to all the different courses and just a ton of other golf course information.

If you are just starting out you can find out where certain nine hole golf course are which are much easier to start out on than the larger eighteen hole golf courses.

You can check out different golf instructors, what their rates are for lessons and what golf courses they teach at. You can also find a lot of free instruction on the internet, you tube etc.


Popular Golf Terms

Back Nine

Typically most golf courses consist of eighteen holes, so in this situation if were to start your round of golf on the first hole then holes ten through eighteen would be considered to be the back nine.

Sometimes when golf courses get crowded you may start your round on the tenth hole, in this case holes one through nine would be considered the back nine.


Golf courses normally consist of three different size holes, par threes are shorter holes normally between one hundred and two hundred yards to the hole, if you get your golf ball in the hole with three shots, you have made par, par fours are typically between 300 and 400 yards long, if you get your golf ball in the hole with four shots you have made par.

Then you have par five holes which are typically between 450 and 550 yards long, if you get your golf ball in the hole with five shots you have made par.


A birdie occurs when you get your golf ball in the hole with one fewer shot than what the hole requires, in other words on a par three holes,you get your golf ball in the hole with two shots you have made a birdie or one under par. The same concept hold true for par four holes and par five holes


A bogey occurs when you get your golf ball in the hole with one more shot than what the whole requires, in other words on a par three hole it takes you four shots to get in the hole you have made a bogey, the same concept holds true with the par four and the par five holes..


A bunker is a depression in the ground on the golf course which is more often than not it is filled with sand. Bunkers are normally found around the green area but can also be found in the fairway. The bunker can also be known as a sand trap.

The Green

The green is found at the end of every holes it is where the hole is located and where the flag stick is put.

These are just some general terms used in any given round of golf, there are many, many more that I will cover at another time.


The Golf Bag

There are many things to consider before purchasing a golf bag. Whether you are a novice golfer or a skilled golfer there are many things to take into consideration before you purchase a new golf bag.

There are basically two different types of golf bags, the carry golf bag and the cart golf bag. If you are a novice golfer and plan on walking the golf course as you play your round of golf you probably want to look into a good carry bag with sturdy straps.

Most carry bags have retractable legs so when you put the bag down the legs Your golf bagautomatically come out so your bag does not have to lie on the ground.

The cart bag is a much larger bag and is used to be put and kept on the back of a golf cart or used with a caddie.

There are many other things you need to consider when purchasing a golf bag whether it is a carry bag or a cart bag. The main thing is you will need to have plenty of storage and different compartments. Most bags all have a place for a large golf umbrella.

You will also need a large compartment for golf balls and smaller compartments for tee’s, wallet,sunglasses,golf gloves and other things like keys’ cell phone etc. So be careful in the golf bag you choose and be sure it is comfortable for you.

Always Keep in Mind

If you are really serious about enjoying this game of golf never settle for mediocrity, Whether you are at the driving range or on the golf course playing a round of golf always play to the best of your ability and with great sportsmanship. You will enjoy this wonderful game of golf much more.


I hope you have enjoyed the information in this post always feel free to ask me any questions you may have and I will get back to you as soon as possible, also please feel free to leave a comment below and I will respond to that also asap.

Good golf to you








Best Golf Tips for Seniors -Play Golf Longer in Life

Senior Golfers Play for Fun and Socialize

Most seniors play mostly for fun and to socialize with their friends. As a matter of fact most rounds of golf played in the country are played by senior golfers, more than any other age group combined. Actually all around the country golf courses consider the senior golfer their bread and butter as far as revenue.

Many golf courses are also making their courses more and more senior senior couple playing golffriendly to compete for their business, some are even offering free senior golf tips if they so wish.

A lot of senior women are also getting into playing golf to play golf with their partner and another couple and make a social event out of the day.

The senior golfer may not be able to hit the ball as far as they once did but all golf courses now have installed senior tees which are closer and makes the game just as competitive for them as it is for their younger counterparts. They also combine their vast knowledge and experience to play a much smarter game and therefore score quite well.

Health Benefits and Injury

No matter if you are a senior golfer or a younger golfer you should also be aware of the fact that their is always the possibility of injury. The golf swing is a very unnatural movement which can put a lot of stress on many parts of your body, including your hips,shoulders, torso and your back.

Since a lot of golfers are from cold weather climates in winter they are more apt to strain muscles and have back and disc problems.During the course of an eighteen hole round of golf a lot of bending, twisting and walking on some tough terrain is involved. To help you avoid some of these common problems is to:

  1. keep your knees flexed
  2. keep your back straight
  3. tighren stomach muscles during swing
  4. warm up before teeing off

Playing golf can provide you with a lot of health benefits. You can really increase your physical ability playing golf buy not always driving around the golf course in a golf cart.If,you do use a cart drive past your ball and then walk back to it with the club you will need to hit you next shot.

If,you do this on even only nine of the eighteen holes it will increase your health tremendously. Also their are small nine hole courses that you can rent a pull cart and play your round that way, very beneficial. The one thing i recommend not doing is carrying your golf clubs.


Senior Golfers Approach to the Game of Golf

As we all get older and are suddenly are considered senior golfers one would automatically think that our golf skill and intensity would decline but that does not have to be the case.

Of course as we get older it’s only natural that we will not maintain the same level of play that we had in our younger years but it is still possible.If,you are a senior golfer just please don’t give up. The main thing we need to focus on here is our bodies.

Have during your last few rounds of golf you felt that your back swing does not go back as far as it used to, or your swing speed does not seem as fast or maybe your drives are not going has far as they used to, if so they it’s probably time to work on your body.

A lot of senior golfers first feel that they first have lost a lot of flexibility but they never consider that they have lost strength along with the flexibility. As a senior golfer the first things you will need to get started is by improving flexibility, strength, endurance and nutrition.

These are most important in a good golf fitness program. The best golf tip for seniors here is to not start out to fast, you must start slow so for one you don’t get hurt and two you don’t lose interest before you get started.

You first need to know your limitations and limit your golf program within those limitations. In this day and age you should have now problem finding e-books or videos that will fit the criteria of your current shape. I suggest not taking any golf lessons before you get your fitness program where you want then by all means take a lesson or two and go enjoy your new golf game.

Senior Golf Tips on Warm Ups

Whether you are playing football, baseball,basketball or any sport for that senior golf couplemater golf is no different then any of them, you need to warm up.

I see so many golfers pull up in their cars throw their shows on grab their clubs go in the clubhouse, take a couple swings and head to the first tee.

By doing these chances are the first five or six shots are going to go who knows where, thus setting yourself up for a start you may never recover from and therefor ruining your round of golf before it even gets started.

My first tip here is to try to get to the golf course at least an hour before you are scheduled to tee off, get your shoes on, take care of business in the clubhouse. All in a relaxing manner.

Now grab your putter and head to the putting green, practice some put from around twenty feet,then some from thirty feet, then ten feet, then short putts. This will give you a good idea of the speed of the greens. Now grab a couple wedges and practice some chips around the green to get the feel of the rough around the green.

Next you will want to head off to the range where you want to spend about ten minutes doing some stretching and limbering up exercises before you start taking some full swings.

Start out on the practice tee hitting some easy wedges then slowly go through your bag hitting all your clubs until finally get to your driver. Hit about half a dozen balls with your driver until you feel comfortable with it. You can now head to the first tee. Do a little more stretching. Right before you tee off. Then hit your drive right down the middle.

I hope the information and tips on this page and benefit you in your quest for making golf much more enjoyable in your senior years, I will do another post late delving into all the different golf clubs and other equipment you must have in your golf bag.

Please leave a comment below if this has been any help to you, or if you have any questions i would be more than happy to answer them.

Good Golf To You
